Friday, May 1, 2009

Death and Virus

Yesterday (30/4), my bos's mother (CMSB - my part time job company) had passed away. When I heard it, I was felt sad, and think nonsense again.

Everyone will go through this process (born, old, sick and death). In my opinion, in this four categories, the most scary category is death. Why I say so? Because once a person pass away especially our most dearest family members or friends, we will feel very very sad.

The most scary part is when we got to face our own times come. This is the part that I don't even dare to face it. I felt it is very scary. After pass away, I don't know where am I will be. How many people will feel sad. Is my body going to burn or what? Really scary.

That's one more things that even make me feel more scary. That's is when one day, my parents leave me. How am I going to face it? I really scared. Without them, I feel lonely, scared. Now, although I make use of everytime, minutes and hour with them. But, I really don't wish it will happen. I don't know whether I can accept it not.

Nowadays, there's a virus called swine flu, is really scary virus. Its makes me don't dare to go anywhere. Just stay at home. I felt is more safer if I don't go out often. But, I still got to go Uni. Huh~ so scary...

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